NAG – Nawa Asha Griha, Home of New Hopes, is a home for street children in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Your donation to NAG means that you will provide a safe home and education for about 200 children and the opportunity for about 250 children from poor areas to attend school daily. The home and school is run solely with your support and your contribution will be used everywhere it is needed – whether it is to organize school supplies for everyone or food for over 450 people each day.

Thank you for helping the children to have an independent and self-determined future!

NAG – Nawa Asha Griha, Home of New Hopes, is a home for street children in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Your donation to NAG means that you will provide a safe home and education for about 200 children and the opportunity for about 250 children from poor areas to attend school daily. The home and school will be run solely with your support and your contribution will be used for whatever is needed – whether it is to organize school supplies for everyone or food for over 450 people each day.

Thank you for enabling the children to have an independent and self-determined future!


Funny and exciting stories from NAG’s everyday life

A new soccer field for the NAGers

June 10th, 2024|

The idea of supporting the expansion of the NAG football field on the roof of the boys' dormitory was born during a birthday party at the NAG, to which the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Berner Young Boys was also invited. No sooner said than done. Thanks to the generous donation from Berner Young Boys, the construction work started in March 2024 and lasted until the end of April. In addition to the renovation, a new roof was added. This allows the children to play football even during the wet monsoon season. New artificial gras was also laid on the floor, which was urgently needed. The NAG children are very happy with the new football field and enjoy being able to spend their free time playing sport. Promoting the health of our NAG children is an important concern for us and so they can not only promote their physical health on the field, but also strengthen their social skills and self-confidence and forget their difficult pasts. We would like to thank everyone involved in making this project a success. Dhanyabad!  

Springtime at NAG

April 29th, 2024|

There are a few exciting stories to report from NAG again, starting out with our 12th graders. They are currently under exam stress. The last final exam for Year 12 will take place on May 8 and we are keeping our fingers crossed for [...]

Teacher Training on the road to success

March 11th, 2024|

The NAG Teacher Training Project is running at full speed. This year, teacher training has already taken place at four schools: in Kathmandu at the Saraswati School and the Manohara School, in Jhor at the Baudeshor School and in Dolpo. The training courses vary [...]

Annual Letter 2023

February 15th, 2024|

Dear Friends of NAG - Namaste! The turn of the year 2022/2023 at NAG was quiet, the waves of the previous two years having definitely calmed down. In February the "crazy Cheib” (crazy guy) rode into NAG on his bike.  Ivo Schär, alias "Borderzibi", [...]

Your support makes all of this possible. Thank you!