February started with a very important sports event at NAG; the inter school basketball competition. It is a tournament lasting 5 days with numerous schools competing to win. It is held annually at NAG and gives a chance for our school to collaborate with other schools during this event. The in-house bakery provided meals for the competing schools and opened a snack stall for all of the students. As always, it was a big success and was enjoyable even for the losing teams. Other than that, NAG also hosted an art master class for different schools in our new art studio. Different institutions, private and governmental, participated in classes provided by four exceptional artists. It lasted two days and involved classes in oil painting, watercolour art, paper mosaic and sculpting. At the end of the two days, a gallery was held to present all of the incredible art pieces created by the students. Near the end of the month, Clean up Nepal, an organisation dedicated to teaching the public about sustainable living, organised a cleanup program in our neighbourhood. A group of NAG kids participated during the school hours, to clean the river banks and the roadside. It was a successful event where all of the kids learnt about waste management in Nepal.