Usually you find articles about the everyday life in NAG here on this homepage. But, in times of lockdowns and insecure situations, NAG is trying to help out people who are struggling during this crisis with the lockdown in Nepal. Therefore, this article is not telling you about life in NAG, instead it tells you about how NAG helps others in need. The families shown in the pictures can not work and with that can not get the basic food supplies to survive. Thanks to Khemraj Puri, a friend of Nicole Thakuri-Wick, and his group they get at least food. He and his group find the most needy and organize, buy and deliver the basic supplies. NAG helps with the financial part. Thanks to this, they could distribute groceries to 50 needy families. These families applied to receive some food from the government, but their application got rejected. They were very excited to get food for a month.

So, thank you for making this possible!